The IMS-DIA 2023 exam will be conducted admissions to the 4 years Design program in Fashion, Interior, Product, Communication, 3 years Design in B.Sc Jewellery and Accessory, and 2 years PG program in Fashion, Interior and Jewellery and Accessory.
Step-1 Process start with registration for the Design program. The application fees is 1200 INR for each application.
Step-2 This exam consists of multiple-choice questions on topics including quantitative ability, communication ability, and understanding of the English Language, analytic ability, general knowledge, and current events. Duration 90
Step-3 This exam is to evaluate the power of observation, innovation and design thinking through questions based on drawing and rendering. Candidate will be required to attempt 1 question out of 2 with brief write up to support the answer.
Step-4 Duration 90 minutes. followed by GAT and CAT, the aspirant will appear for the final round of interview with IMS-DIA’s jury panel. Student would be required to present a portfolio.